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Female Study Participants Needed.

We are looking for healthy, non-smoking women to participate in a study examining the vascular function and protein expression in the lower limb


Participants must meet the following criteria:


•Female between the ages of 18 – 29, not taking birth control pills

•No history of cardiovascular or metabolic diseases (e.g. stroke, hypertension, diabetes)

•Recreationally active (<5h of structured physical activity/week)

•Not currently taking prescribed medication

•A non-smoker


Participants will receive up to $100 in gift certificates to thank you for participation.


To contact the Lead Student Investigator for more information, please fill out the form on the right.

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© 2018 CVSRL

CVSRL Address:

28 Division St. RM400

Kingston, ON  K7L 3N6


Dr. Kyra Pyke
Tel: 613-533-6000 x79631
Office: KHS 301C

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